Partner: HAN University of Applied Sciences

HAN University of Applied Sciences offers higher education of an outstanding quality within an inspiring, innovative, international environment. The Arnhem and Nijmegen campuses offer Bachelors and Masters courses to approximately 30,000 students. HAN University of Applied Sciences broad range of courses can be taken either full-time, part-time, online, separately or in combination with a variety of other internal and /or external courses. Our Centres of Expertise and applied research centres deliver custom research, advice and postgraduate courses for companies and institutions. With clear and rigorous contract management, we strive to deliver result-oriented work based on a large degree of freedom within an agreed framework.

Research plays an important role in the education offered at HAN University. At the centre of HAN’s research networks are research centers, led by professors. They maintain a vast network that includes other educational institutions, the business community, government bodies and non-profit organizations in the region. The professors involve students, lecturers and the work field in their research. This synergy between theory and practice is what makes HAN a successful university of applied science. The track record of HAN university contains regional, national and European research funding. Practice-based research at HAN is multidisciplinary and relates to themes from the professional world. HAN University shares and develops knowledge in the professional field as well as extracts knowledge from the professional field. This exchange acts as a catalyst for the development of our education. Teaching and Learning with ICT is one of the 10 most important research themes currently being studied at HAN.


iXperium – Centre of Expertise Teaching and Learning with ICT has been one of the central research themes of the Faculty of Education since 2003. In 2011 HAN University, the Faculty of Education and the educational work field established the regional iXperium – Centre of Expertise (CoE) Teaching and Learning with ICT. CLC Arnhem is partner in this collaboration. iXperium supports the implementation of ict-enhanced learning and teaching as well as digital literacy in the curricula of both regional primary, secondary and vocational education and in HAN teacher training programs and supports the needed organizational and cultural changes in schools and school teams. Moreover, iXperium has created a regional ‘changelab’ for learning and teaching with ICT. In the iXperium work spaces, teachers, student-teachers, teacher-trainers, researchers and experts work together to develop research-based, innovative learning arrangements with ICT (ICT as a means for differentiation) and about ICT (digital literacy as a learning goal). Dr. Marijke Kral PhD is leading professor of iXperium.

Starting from concrete questions from school practice, HAN researchers from the iXperium – Centre of Expertise and other units design and study effective ICT-rich learning arrangements. To this end, they collaborate in design teams with teacher educators, practicing teachers, experts, students of the teacher education courses and ICT students. A physical lab has also been established in which experiments are performed using the latest technological applications. Personalized Learning with Educational Technology (ICT) is the umbrella under which HAN students, professors, researchers and teacher educators conduct practice-based research, in collaboration with and for the benefit of professional practice.

Marijke Kral

Dr. Marijke Kral PhD is leading professor at iXperium – Centre of Expertise Teaching and Learning with ICT. She has completed a M.A. in Educational Sciences at Radboud University in Nijmegen and a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences at Open University, the Netherlands. Marijke Kral has a long history of conducting educational research (Radboud University / Open University /HAN), the last 15 years mostly applied research and practice based research in the field of teaching and learning with ICT. She was amongst others a project leader of the annual Dutch national ICT-in Education monitor (2000-2003) and of an international comparative study (benchmark ICT in Education 2003). Kral also worked 5 years as a senior consultant for an innovation project for the Dutch Department of Education regarding the implementation of ICT in higher vocational education. She works at HAN University since 2003. Kral participated in several international research and development projects on ICT in education and is an active member of the bi-annual worldwide EDUsummit on ICT in Education, EARLI and EAPRIL.

Pierre Gorissen

Dr. Pierre Gorissen PhD is associate professor at iXperium – Centre of Expertise Teaching and Learning with ICT. He has completed a M.A. in Business Economics at Tilburg University and a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands on the use of recorded lectures by students and how we can facilitate effective use. He is certified as a grade one teacher in Business Economics. Pierre was the chair of division ICT of the Netherlands Educational Research Association for a number of years. Pierre has participated in national and international projects related to ICT in higher education and has published in several national and international journals. Within the iXperium, Pierre is the lead researcher with regards to the topic learning about ICT / ICT literacy.

Carolien van Rens

Drs. Carolien van Rens is researcher at iXperium – Centre of Expertise Teaching and Learning with ICT. She has completed a M.A in Social Psychology at University of Amsterdam. She is involved as project leader in the monitoring of the use of ict and ict-competencies of teachers in primary, secondary, VET and higher education. She participates in multiple design teams in the role of researcher and/or in the role of supervisor. The objectives of the design teams are developing ict-rich learning arrangements aimed at personalized learning.

Jeroen Melgers

Jeroen Melgers is educator at the Teacher Education for Primary Schools HAN Pabo. He has completed a Master of Science in Pedagogy in Nijmegen and has worked as a primary school teacher for 13 years at several primary schools.  Aside from being a teacher he was helping colleagues to improve their ICT-competencies and keep up to date with new developments. In his current role as a Math teacher, he is using that experience to stimulate students to develop ICT-rich learning.

Maarten Zoomer

Maarten Zoomer is a programs manager for two primary education school boards (Deltascholengroep and Flores). The main goal of his program is to professionalize teachers in the field of learning with ICT. To do this effectively, the school boards work together with the Center of Expertise Teaching and Learning with ICT and Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN). iXperium is the lab where all ideas and theories are put into practice. Around 65 schools benefit from what the iXperium’s offers in the field of learning with ICT. Maarten connects the different partners with each other, develops with a team of experts new learning programs to professionalize teachers and guide schools how they can implement ICT as a means and goal in the school.

Joost Adema

Joost Adema is media mentor at iXperium – Centre of Expertise Teaching and Learning with ICT. He has completed the Pedagogical Academy for Primary Education in Doetinchem. Within the iXperium he receives groups of children who participate in different programs to show primary school teachers the possibilities of ICT. He is also involved in the professionalization of teachers who like to enhance their teaching with ICT. He participates in multiple design teams in the role of media mentor to add ICT where is necessary and possible. He develops new ICT rich programs for primary schools.