Partner: PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts

PXL University of Applied Sciences is a dynamic and vibrant organisation where we create a centre of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. With approximately 10,000 students and 1,000 staff members, PXL is a mid-size Flemish higher education provider. PXL offers both graduate programmes and professional bachelor programmes within the departments of Business, Education, Healthcare, Digital, Media & Tourism, Music, Social Work and Green & Tech. Master programmes are also offered within the PXL-MAD school of arts.

The vision of PXL is summarized as the X-factor. The X-factor integrates entrepreneurship & innovation, empathy & passion, (inter)national networking and (multi)disciplinary expertise. We want all students and employees to develop their X-factor in the best way possible.

PXL University College has 7 Centres of Expertise for research & development. The centres involved in this project are PXL Smart ICT and PXL Educational Innovation. Our Centres of Expertise carry out practice-oriented research, organise training and courses, disseminate results in practice and provide advice to companies and institutions. We deliver result-oriented, qualitative work within an agreed framework.

PXL Centre of expertise: Educational Innovation

The Centre of Educational Innovation sets out beacons for tomorrow’s education and is committed to practice-oriented scientific research and services, that lead to real innovation in educational practices. The team is led by our head of Educational Innovation, Wouter Hustinx, and consists of … researchers. The research within this centre, focuses mainly on three fields: (1) sports and coaching, (2) language in learning and (3) learning in a digital world.

PXL Centre of Expertise: Smart ICT

The Centre of Expertise Smart ICT combines knowhow in soft- and hardware. The team is led by Steven Palmaers and consists of 24 researchers. Smart ICT is mainly active in 3 fields: (1) Virtual and Augmented Reality, (2) Artificial Intelligence and (3) Internet of Things. Expertise in the development of apps and web apps is also available, as well as User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design.

Wouter Hustinx is Head of the PXL Centre of Expertise for Educational Innovation. He coordinates the various projects, but also monitors new opportunities in order to achieve as much impact as possible within the educational landscape. He has extensive expertise in the field of educational and didactic technology, such as in scenarios of blended & mobile learning, webinars and 2D & 360° video in education. In addition, he has extensive project experience and both a national and international network.

Steven Palmaers is Head of Research of the PXL Centre of Expertise Smart ICT. He coordinates the different projects, follows-up on new leads and has the general overview of all activities. Steven holds a MSc in Computer Science / Knowledge Engineering from Hasselt University and Maastricht University. Steven’s main interest is the application of emerging and enabling technologies in different domains, such as Healthcare, Education, Tourism and Sports. He is also a bit of a gadget freak.

Michaël Empsen is a researcher in the PXL Centre of Educational Innovation. He is currently involved in two European projects, focusing on 360° and VR on the one hand and supporting K-12 teachers in the use of technology for personalized learning on the other. Michaël holds a bachelor’s degree as teacher for primary education and a master’s degree of Science in Educational Studies. His main professional interests lie in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL).