1. What is Duolingo?
Everyone learns differently. For the first time in history, we can analyze how millions of people learn. This allows us to develop the most effective educational system possible, tailored for each student. Our ultimate goal is to use technology to give everyone access to a custom private tutor. It is difficult to stay motivated when learning a language. That’s why we’ve made Duolingo so much fun that people prefer learning new skills over playing a game.
2. How can Duolingo make learning more personalized?
DuoLingo does justice to differences between students, because it offers exercises at the level of the individual learner. With the help of (entry-level) tests, the program checks the progress and determines which exercises are suitable for the individual learner. Let students download the app for their smartphone, so they can practice the language they like to learn everywhere. Via the school dashboard you can give a classroom lesson that approaches the average level of you class. You can give up homework and set the assignments students have to complete. For Students:
- Go to www.duolingo.com and create an account.
- Log in with the code you received from your teacher.
- Start with the entry test to choose what you can already do.
- Learn English through various topics that are ready for you.
- You can do this via the website or using the app.
- Make an interim test to cash in on your progress.

3. What to consider when implementing Duolingo?
There are 1.2 billion people who learn a language and the majority do so for better opportunities in society. Unfortunately, learning a language is expensive and not everyone can afford it. We have created Duolingo so that everyone has a chance. Free language tuition, no hidden costs, no subscription, just free. Duolingo is used by the richest man in the world, Hollywood stars and schools in developing countries. We believe that there is true equality when more money does not yield a better education. Duolingo is suitable for all platforms.
4. Where can I get started with Duolingo?
Have you become curious about this tool? Then I advise you to take a look at the website: https://www.duolingo.com/info