1. What is LegiLexi?
LegiLexi is a non-profit foundation based on the vision that all pupils in Sweden should acquire proper reading skills in Primary Education (age 7-10). LegiLexi offers a formative assessment tool, a teacher course (which are linked together) plus a “resource library”. The nine assessment tests can be performed on a computer, ipad or on paper. Once completed, the teacher can analyze the result through a web-based test portal and personalize reading assignments accordingly with support from the course and the available resources. The provided learning analytics tools in the software help teachers to identify both students at risk of not achieving the goals and high performing students that need extra challenges in order to develop. The screening tests are based on the “Simple View of Reading” model (see illustration below). Each test maps different abilities and skills separately. There are also more “holistic” tests that identify how well a student combines the different skills.

2. How can LegiLexi make learning more personalized?
Detecting reading difficulties in young children is a prerequisite for early interventions that can support the needs of individual children in becoming competent readers. As these difficulties present themselves very differently the LegiLexi tests many different skills. Each test takes between 5-15 minute to accomplish. LegiLexi uses a level scale with grades 1-6. Each sub-test result is translated to a level based on how well the test was performed and the national curricula goals for that particular area. When a student reaches green, it indicates that the student is very strong in this particular area and masters the skills required. The course material contains chapters related to the recommendations. For example, there is one chapter about decoding and in that chapter there are examples of lessons targeting decoding skills.

3. What to consider when implementing LegiLexi?
Detecting reading difficulties is only the first step in the long and challenging task of supporting early literacy in all children “Just” testing and mapping your students rarely does any great good. This is why LegiLexi consists of three parts; a formative assessment tool, a course for teachers and an information library. The formative assessment tool is linked to the course material.
Teachers get feedback on the progress of individual children and progress at the classroom level. Teachers also receive suggestions regarding reading instruction for particular children based on the profile of their reading skills. These suggestions are based on learning objectives found in the Swedish curriculum for grade 1 and 3. All tests, exercises, books, articles, apps and other tools have been developed in close collaboration with researchers and teachers and effect studies have shown that LegiLexi has positive effects especially when testing and the teachers courses are combined. With regular testing schools can closely monitor progress and ensure interventions are having the intended impact.
4. Where can I get started with LegiLexi?
All material from LegiLexi is free of charge to all Swedish Schools. In order to use LegiLexis screening tests, teachers have to register an account you register the students you intend to test. LegiLexi recommend to test all students from K-4 (age 6-11). After that, LegiLexis tests can be valuable as a special needs education tool. The service is provided to Swedish schools at https://legilexi.org/ and used by over 21,000 teachers in all of Sweden’s 290 municipalities.