1. What is EDAiDER?
EdAider is a AI-based learning platform that is being developed by researchers and teachers at Stockholm University, Sweden to support adaptive learning and teaching through data and learning analytics. The platform is intended for use in primary and secondary school independently of subject. EdAider is tailored to support learning and teaching in traditional physical classrooms as well as in distance education and in blended learning environments. The plattform offer teachers real-time and post activity analytics with insights about learners as well as teaching practices, automatic attendance control, automatic grading, AI-based early warning system (predicting students at risk of receiving low or incomplete grades), automatic documentation, analysis and reports for learners’ progress and needs.
2. How can EDAiDER make learning more personalized?
EdAider addresses the following challenges: 1) teachers have far too little information about each student, as well as about the effect of teaching, which makes it difficult to adapt teaching to individual needs ; 2) teachers spend far too much time on administration and assessments 3) teachers and schools lack tools for data-driven decision-making. Although all three dimensions are important for a teaching that is more personalized, the first challenge is perhaps the most evident contribution to facilitate personalization based upon students’ needs. EdAiders platform has a student interface that is personalized where the student can see their subjects and assignments, communication channels, and be continuously supported through analytics (real-time and post-activity). The purpose of the analytics is to help the student to understand what he/she is good at and/or need to improve. EdAIder also offers adapted learning material, gamified learning and different ways to communicate in class and with the teacher. As the platform can be accessed at any time and anywhere it offers students the opportunity to work with their school content individually.
3. What to consider when implementing EDAiDER?
EdAider (EdAI Technologies) is an EdTech startup founded by researchers at Stockholm University and supported by SU Innovation, SU Holding, and Vinnova. It is a platform with the aim to support data-driven decision making in schools and universities and for providing support for adaptive learning under continuous development and can not be a set of tools. It’s performance depends on data input, which means that it needs to be used continuously in order to support teachers and students in the way as intended.

4. Where can I get started with EDAiDER?
You can read more about Edaider and contact their staff at https://edaider.com/en/