1. What is KunskapsPorten?
The KED Program is a complete teaching and learning model that is unique to Kunskapsskolan but can be applied to different national curricula. It is currently used in six countries: Sweden, India, UK, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia and the US. Kunskapsskolan targets students from 12-18 years, and the project involves more than 100 schools, 25,000 students and 2,500 teachers. The KED Program is supported by the educational platform called Kunskapsporten – a learning portal that supports the educational ideas, reflecting the core values and organizing the teaching and learning in all schools run by Kunskapsskolan. It combines all the digital tools into one space that is accessible to students, teachers and parents. Kunskapsporten contains the curricula, work paths, exercises, texts and other resources for all the goal oriented, step-by step courses and the interdisciplinary thematic courses. Students can follow their own development/progress and understand the course objectives and content in both a shorter and a long-term perspective.
2. How can KunskapsPorten make learning more personalized?
Kunskapsporten gives students access to the entire course content from middle school and high school, as this too is expected to increase their motivation and spark their curiosity. Each course is presented with different types of learning material to support the goals. The students must demonstrate that they have achieved the learning goals, but they have the possibility to self-pace and achieve them in many different ways. Students track their courses in a log book in which they have a dialogue with their supervisor/mentor and design their own educational pathway. The students’ log books are linked to the school’s documentation system (EDS) in which all teachers can follow the students’ learning and make formative assessments. Kunskapsporten also supports students in their metacognition and learning strategies through the ‘bank of strategies’ (Strategibanken), which lists different types of study techniques and helps the students to identify which strategies works well in their learning. While Kunskapsporten can be accessed at any time and anywhere, offering students the opportunity to work with their school content individually, the personalised schedule of each student also includes learning in groups, although this differs from the more traditional approach.
3. What to consider when implementing KunskapsPorten?
Kunskapsporten is part of a holistic educational ecosystem and can therefore not be implemented in parts. However it can serve as an inspiration for how to implement personalized learning through ICT in a holistic way. It relies on a different model of organizing teaching and it also demands all teachers to give priority to the mentoring part of the teaching. As there is a shared ownership between student’s planning and the teacher’s planning new teachers need to undergo a training module, accessible through Kunskapsporten that prepares them for the educational concepts and their different roles.

4. Where can I get started with KunskapsPorten?
You can read more about Kunskapsporten and the KED-programe at: http://www.kunskapsskolan.com/thekedprogram.4.1d96c045153756b0c14d5798.html